You're the Senior Vice President of Technology at a startup trying to grow into an enterprise. You've got high performers threatening to quit and colleagues playing political games, all the while your C-Level bosses are breathing down your neck to track your entire department's productivity.
It's hard. It's very hard.
We know because we've been there. Unlike other executive and leadership coaches, we've been there in the trenches with you. We've developed strategies, reorged companies, and pushed cultural changes.
The worst part is how lonely it all is. You can't complain to your boss because they've got their own problems, and you don't want to complain to your team because that's an unfair burden. If you are looking out for everyone else, who's looking out for you?
We can help. Combining theory with hard-won experience, we share these lessons with you to improve your retention, grow your talent, and increase your productivity.
You quit the rat race with a killer idea you knew would work. Whether it was a hobby you turned into a job or the next big thing in AI, you started a company with a vision and... well... not much else.
Oh God, who let you run with scissors?
Aren't you supposed to be like a business expert or something? Aren't you supposed to know the difference between EBITDA and DORA?
Stop! Breath! We can help.
We've helped people like you before. We are people like you! We can be that emergency MBA you need to, y'know, sound official and stuff. We can lead you through the basics of strategy, of building a company culture.
Most importantly, we can help you get the most out of you.